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“One for all, all for one” does it sound familiar to you? This is a quote with a message of individuals act for benefits of others, and others should act for benefits to individuals. In a well-known story called The Three Musketeers (Source), they predominantly help the people who can’t help themselves or who have no power to fight for themselves. This story can be related to the environmental issues because the earth can’t help themselves, so the humans should assist the earth so that the earth can be utilized longer which can be beneficial for both. In NRDC, it is available for people to be an online activist and donate money. Nowadays, people are trying to walk away from issues instead of being respectful and try to make a change. If everyone of you won’t try to respect to the earth, nothing will come back to you. Every single action doesn’t matter how big or small counts as one, any small action can make a big change just like a starfish story. “One for all, all for one” can you still walk away?

Starfish story

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